Download samsung max - data savings & privacy protection - Ver 4.1.43 from Google play store or from Here
Install and launch the app and set it up as follows
Upgrade to the premium plan as showed in the app, then toggle to the option.
Click on Home - Now tick the mobile data saving and privacy policy options. Minimize the app not connect the Samsung Max app yet!
The MTN/Airtel cheat is basically to use the free daily Opera 50MB to surf on all websites using Samsung Max VPN without been restricted to Opera mini browser or Opera News App.
Open your Opera Mini or Opera News app to get the notification that you have free 50mb to browse on the app.
When you see the notification, just move back to the Samsung Max VPN make sure your Data saving and Privacy Protection is ticked ON
Now click on Connect the Samsung Max VPN App
Immediately, the key sign appears on the top of your phone notification area.
Minimize Samsung Max VPN app, you can now surf the internet and browser with other apps on your android phone, Free Opera 50mb daily data.
NB: it's not Unlimited, it capped at 50mb daily.. Enjoy your daily free Opera min /News 50mb daily mb

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