Download This App on Playstore VULTe Polaris - SIGNUP and Earn 300 Per Referrals
It's a Secured and CBN Approved E-Mobile Financial App like: Opay, Kuda & Palmpay.
Install and Signup with the referral code below!
Click no account yet, Enter your details then use my code: You will get #200 (Withdrawal to bank or for Airtime)
Complete the registration, refer more ppl and earn more. (#300 per referral)
Experience convenient digital banking like me! Sign up with this link on Android, and on iOS,
Referral code: 9N3QDK2M
If u want to earn make sure you use the Referral code: 9N3QDK2M to join the VULTe tribe and enjoy amazing benefits.
When you referral upgrade his account, you earn #1000
*Making #1300 In total*😋
Good luck!

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